Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sweeping the cobwebs from my blog...

Yaaaawn.That was quite a nap.

So the big news these days for me is that for the first time in exactly 30 years, I am without a job. I realize that means I am both old and fortunate, to have had steady work for all that time.

I was laid off recently, and I am learning a lot about myself in the process. Change teaches us so much about ourselves that we fail to recognize when we are just going through our regular daily routines.

Change forces us to notice things. It makes us face our fears. It makes us ask ourselves questions about our lives, our dreams and our goals. It makes us summon our strengths and admit to our weaknesses.

It's been just short of a month since my job was eliminated.

Week one came on the heels of vacation, so I spent it doing laundry and yard work and all of those domestic chores that one needs to catch up on after being away.

Week two was not as good. I was grumpy, lethargic, aimless. I had lots to do. Anyone who both owns a home and is looking for a job always has plenty to do. Now I had absolutely no excuse to avoid that long list of things that I could justify not getting done when I was working. Yuck.

Week three I came to the realization that I need some routines and structure. So that is where I am now. Creating new routines. Catching up with old friends. Trying some new things; using this time I have as a gift, and trying not to waste a minute of it. (Pinterest is NOT wasting time!)

I plan to venture out into some new art territory, of course, and I will share what I can with you, here.  If my art could be my next line of work, that would be outrageously awesome. (Note to local employers who may be looking at my resume -- your job would be awesome too!! )

I don't care so much if the long list of house chores is still there. Really, there is always one more thing to add to that list.

Meanwhile this guy is very happy that I am spending more time at home...


Createology said...

Hello Kerri Dear. I am sorry about your job. I think of you often. So glad to see you blog. Life does have a way of re-prioritizing for us. Enjoy your time off. I shall pray you get that awesome job that is art related. Blessings dear...

Peggy Beck said...

Hi Kerri. So good to see you last week! I have no doubts that your next "career" will be awesome. I can't wait to see the changes and progress. As you well know I am on a new journey as well. I hope ours cross paths along the way many times. Love what you do and who you are....

Debbie said...

Hey Kerri - Well now THAT sucks! But look at it this way - you'll find a job - a BETTER job!! Let us know if we can do anything, knock off somebody - just kiddin' But I can send my ferocious poodles after them!!

Egg Recipes said...

Good rreading