Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Eternal life

I have been painting again. It started with a “kind of” commissioned piece. For a woman I’ve never met, but who, through this amazing cyber universe we now inhabit, I feel like I have known for years. We have friends in common, and we will get to meet this summer, when she comes up from Florida to visit those friends. And I will get to give her this painting in person. 

I love how it turned out. She chose the words, and the color, and the little butterfly, which is a symbol of someone she lost, and I was surprised at the feelings this painting evokes for me, so I hope that she is equally moved.

This connection to people through art is really an amazing thing. I am so grateful for the creative process and all that it brings with it. 


Createology said...

This painting is truly beautiful and the special message and feelings it conveys is very positive. Blessings Dear...

fran pascazio said...

Beautiful, Kerri - you NEED to create more….I am sure the person this belongs to will love it!

Peggy Beck said...

I got to see this painting in person before it was picked up and it is so lovely as are all your pieces of art. Because you cannot get something ugly out of a person who is beautiful. Love, love, love.