“Although the world is full of suffering,
it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
– Helen Keller
…this quote appeared in my Facebook feed, like a gift to me, shortly
after I had finished this paragraph, which I never published:
I am seriously considering shutting down my Facebook page. I am
starting to lose faith in humanity. I can’t handle all of the bad news. It is
getting more and more difficult for me to maintain a hopeful and optimistic
attitude while exposed to abused children and starving animals, most of whom
suffer at the hands of miserable humans. I have always believed that the good
outweighs the bad, and that the power of positive thinking can overcome
adversity, but the constant barrage of horrible images and news that inundate
my Facebook feed is destroying my optimistic nature.
One of the really good things about getting older, and yes, I believe
there are a few, is that we generally know ourselves. We know what we need to
thrive, what pisses us off -- hell, yeah, we know that -- what motivates us, and
what brings us down.
So, I know my capacity for bad news, and I can take measures to insure that I don't overdose on it. We can’t, and shouldn’t, block out absolutely every bit of bad news. It
helps to be informed about the bad stuff, so that we can help others, protect
ourselves, and make choices in our lives to influence positive change, to name
a few.
The bad news also serves as a reminder to most of us of how good we really have
it. I, for one, have certainly found that even on my worst days, I don’t have to
look far to find someone who has it worse than me, and that usually slaps the self pity right out of me.
So when I find myself sinking too low, when the bad news threatens to
crush my spirit, it’s just time to take a break, unplug, and remind myself that
there is also incredible beauty, and good news, and love in this world, and I don’t have to look very far to find it.