Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my art, my life, my blog, and all the aspects of creative expression that I try to juggle. At the risk of repeating myself, (because after 5 years of blog posts, it's pretty likely), I am observing a regular ebb and flow to all that I do. Sometimes the ideas flow like water, easily and clearly. And at other times, they seem just beyond my grasp. Some days are simple and relaxed, while others seem frantic and crazy, but when I step back and take a look at the whole of it, there's a pattern that makes sense to me.
Ironically, I sometimes panic a little over the fact there is nothing to panic over. Does that make any sense? My days are not always perfect, but my life fits me lately in a way that it never has before. And I am so unaccustomed to this feeling. It is uncomfortable to feel comfortable...but what a great dilemma to have.
Wow -- I was about to follow that last paragraph with the admission that I have strayed from my "one word" intention this year, because I couldn't even remember what it was, so I just looked it up from my end of Dec. blog post, and it was the word "authentic." How crazy is that? Even without consciously thinking of this word, it has been working for me all this time.


Anonymous said...

hahahha, panic about nothing to panic over!!!
that is pretty funny....
it's true though, when everything is good, feels right..going smooth....
a- ok...i wonder why everything is so perfect and it's a bit scary.

and then the dog pukes on the couch and it's all better.

Peggy Beck said...

Kerri, it's nice to see that you are "growing" and even liking it. It is nice and essential to be comfortable in our own skin and it sounds like you are there.

Createology said...

Even this post from you is "authentic" so of course you are keeping your 2011 word to heart. What is this interesting art you didn't speak of? Your photo shows how happy and content you are these days. Panic about panic is so easy for we females to do. Happy creating...